Let’s talk real guidance vs. clickbait.

take the sleezy out of sales understanding your market Dec 08, 2023

You know what’s really tough about social media?  Everyone has a platform to reach the masses.  Yes, that’s also what’s great about it.  The danger is that misinformation can very quickly be spread.  The problem with misinformation is that our industries can already be pretty complex and frustrating for the consumer. 

Ask yourself this: 

If you didn’t have an interest tied to real estate, and it wasn’t your livelihood, what advice would you give if you yourself were shopping for a home as a regular person… but with the magical power of knowing everything you know as a realtor. Would you buy right now? Would you sell right now? If we put ourselves in that human position and try to think of things from that specific perspective as often as possible, we will give much better advice to our clients and audiences. Otherwise we come across way too business-y for something that in reality is actually a very personal decision and therefore gets emotional for our clients. 

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