Scared of looking like a fair-weather friend?

earning trust take the sleezy out of sales Dec 18, 2023

Owning your authority is as big a concept as it is imperative.  A piece of that is being a source of calm for your sphere.  If you’ve done that authentically, sincerely, and consistently for the past 12 months of a very volatile market – then when you show up now with the great news about interest rates, your audience will celebrate with you.   

If you have gone dark for the past year because you were scared no one had the money to buy what you were selling.  Or because you didn’t want to seem like your business was hurting.  Or because you didn’t want to say anything if there wasn’t something nice to say.  And then…AND THEN, you popped back up this week with, “It’s a great time to buy!”…I’m willing to bet your audience can actually smell your commission breath. 

I’m not saying you can’t start posting now for the first time.  I’m saying you can’t ask your audience for something until you’ve given them unlimited value.  That’s being salesy. 

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